Friday, December 09, 2011

Sydney & The Blue Mountains

We had a lot of rain in the Blue Mountains which did not improve the suntan but did give life to the many waterfalls.  The National Pass rates as one of the better day walks we have had the pleasure of doing - a great deal of credit must go to the brave chaps who had the foresight to build tracks in such precarious locations in the early 1900's.

Rain prevented any decent photos from our short stay in Sydney but we did enjoy soaking up the atmosphere of the inner suburbs with Susan and Jim.  We saw the northern beaches at their best in some rare sunlight and having a swim in the ocean pool at Collaroy was an invigorating way to end our time in Sydney.

Blue Mountains - the Three Sisters

Blue Mountains - national pass

Blue Mountains - national pass

Bondi - Bronte walk

Collaroy beach

Swimming in Collaroy beach's fantastic ocean pool

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